Medical Advice

Medical Advice for the Molesey Head Races

 Reviewed 27/12/2024

Advice What we have done What YOU should do

Have emergency team on the water

Three rescue launches and five marshalling launches with safety equipment and radios Call or signal for help
Have first aid team present Paramedics at the boat-houses with radios Call for help
Handle boats to avoid strain or risk   Lift in and out carefully
Observe lifejacket rules All water-based officials are equipped Coxes must wear lifejackets
Take care getting in and out of boats Long landing stage, raft marshals provided Remove your equipment  quickly
Avoid collisions on the water Course diagrams, instructions and briefing Read and follow instructions, keep clear of other boats
Make arrangements for treating hypothermia Marshalling boats carry foil blankets and throw lines.  Get out of the water as safely as you can. Get into warm boathouse and into showers
Watch for signs of over-exertion   Watch the man ahead, warm up properly
Handle food carefully Handlers are aware. All food is freshly made Wash your hands after using the toilet
Check for health and safety hazards The club area has been checked Don’t leave equipment in the way of others
Avoid the effects of cold before and after racing   Warm up before boating, and wrap up whilst waiting for the start


Advice received from local NHS Trust